GET api/SubCategory/GetSubCategoriesAdminbyId?SubCategoryId={SubCategoryId}&CompanyId={CompanyId}
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
SubCategoryId | integer |
Required |
CompanyId | integer |
Required |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
Collection of SubCategoryName | Description | Type | Additional information |
SubCategoryId | integer |
None. |
CategoryId | integer |
None. |
SubCategoryName | string |
None. |
IsActive | integer |
None. |
PictureURL | string |
None. |
InsertedBy | integer |
None. |
InsertedDate | date |
None. |
UpdatedBy | integer |
None. |
UpdatedDate | date |
None. |
CompanyDetailId | integer |
None. |
Category | Category |
None. |
ProductDetails | Collection of ProductDetail |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
[ { "$id": "1", "SubCategoryId": 1, "CategoryId": 1, "SubCategoryName": "sample string 2", "IsActive": 1, "PictureURL": "sample string 3", "InsertedBy": 1, "InsertedDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "UpdatedBy": 1, "UpdatedDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "CompanyDetailId": 1, "Category": { "$id": "2", "CategoryId": 1, "CategoyName": "sample string 2", "IsActive": 1, "InsertedBy": 1, "InsertedDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "UpdatedBy": 1, "UpdatedDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "CompanyDetailId": 1, "SubCategories": [ { "$ref": "1" }, { "$ref": "1" } ] }, "ProductDetails": [ { "$id": "3", "ProductId": 1, "SubCategoryId": 1, "TaxDetailsId": 1, "DiscountDetailsId": 1, "CouponId": 1, "Title": "sample string 2", "Description": "sample string 3", "Price": 1.0, "InStock": 1, "IsActive": 1, "Picture": "sample string 4", "InsertedBy": 1, "InsertedDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "UpdatedBy": 1, "UpdatedDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "ProdFeatures": "sample string 5", "ProdTecDetails": "sample string 6", "CompanyDetailId": 1, "Variance": 1, "ProductType": "sample string 7", "BrandTypeId": 1, "CouponDetail": { "$id": "4", "CouponId": 1, "Name": "sample string 2", "Code": "sample string 3", "Description": "sample string 4", "DiscountPercentage": 1.0, "IsActive": 1, "Picture": "sample string 5", "InsertedBy": 1, "InsertedDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "UpdatedBy": 1, "UpdatedDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "ValidFrom": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "ValidTo": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "CompanyDetailId": 1, "AmountFrom": 1.0, "AmountTo": 1.0, "ProductId": 1, "OfferType": "sample string 6", "ProductDetails": [ { "$ref": "3" }, { "$ref": "3" } ] }, "DiscountDetail": { "$id": "5", "DiscountDetailsId": 1, "Description": "sample string 2", "DiscountPercentage": 1.0, "IsActive": 1, "Picture": "sample string 3", "InsertedBy": 1, "InsertedDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "UpdatedBy": 1, "UpdatedDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "ValidFrom": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "ValidTo": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "CompanyDetailId": 1, "ProductDetails": [ { "$ref": "3" }, { "$ref": "3" } ] }, "MemberCarts": [ { "$id": "6", "MemberCartId": 1, "MemberId": 1, "ProductId": 1, "Quantity": 1, "MemberDetail": { "$id": "7", "MemberId": 1, "MemberName": "sample string 2", "ContactNo": 1, "EmailId": "sample string 3", "AddressLine1": "sample string 4", "AddressLine2": "sample string 5", "City": "sample string 6", "State": "sample string 7", "PinCode": 1, "Password": "sample string 8", "InsertedDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "IsActive": 1, "ConfirmationCode": "sample string 9", "CompanyDetailId": 1, "MobileToken": "sample string 10", "MemberCarts": [ { "$ref": "6" }, { "$ref": "6" } ], "MemberOrders": [ { "$id": "8", "MemberOrderId": 1, "MemberId": 1, "ProductId": 1, "ProductPrice": 1, "Quantity": 1, "CouponDiscountPercentage": 1, "DiscountPercentage": 1, "TaxPercentage": 1, "OrderedDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "MemberDetail": { "$ref": "7" }, "ProductDetail": { "$ref": "3" } }, { "$ref": "8" } ], "ProductReviews": [ { "$id": "9", "ProductReviewId": 1, "ProductId": 1, "MemberId": 1, "ReviewComments": "sample string 2", "Rating": 1, "MemberDetail": { "$ref": "7" }, "ProductDetail": { "$ref": "3" } }, { "$ref": "9" } ], "SalesOrders": [ { "$id": "10", "SalesOrderId": 1, "OrderNo": "sample string 2", "OrderDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "MemberId": 1, "Amoount": 1.0, "InsertedDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "DeliveryAddressLine1": "sample string 3", "DeliveryAddressLine2": "sample string 4", "DeliveryCity": "sample string 5", "DeliveryState": "sample string 6", "DeliveryPinCode": "sample string 7", "DeliveryLandMark": "sample string 8", "DeliveryName": "sample string 9", "Status": "sample string 10", "InProgressDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "CompletedDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "CompanyDetailId": 1, "DeliveryContactNo": "sample string 11", "DeliveryEmail": "sample string 12", "CancelledDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "CancelledComments": "sample string 13", "CancelledBy": "sample string 14", "OrderDeliveryCharge": 1.0, "OfferType": "sample string 15", "DiscountAmount": 1.0, "CouponCode": "sample string 16", "FreeProductId": "sample string 17", "CourierDetails": [ { "$id": "11", "CourierDetailId": 1, "SalesOrderId": 1, "CompanyDetailId": 1, "CourierName": "sample string 2", "CourierNo": "sample string 3", "BookedDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "Description": "sample string 4", "SalesOrder": { "$ref": "10" } }, { "$ref": "11" } ], "DeliveryConfirmations": [ { "$id": "12", "DeliveryConfirmationId": 1, "SalesOrderId": 1, "CompanyDetailId": 1, "Name": "sample string 2", "DeliveredDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "Description": "sample string 3", "SalesOrder": { "$ref": "10" } }, { "$ref": "12" } ], "MemberDetail": { "$ref": "7" }, "SalesOrderItems": [ { "$id": "13", "SalesOrderItemId": 1, "SalesOrderId": 1, "ProductId": 1, "ProductPrice": 1.0, "Quantity": 1.0, "CouponPercentage": 1.0, "DiscountPercentage": 1.0, "TaxPercentage": 1.0, "CompanyDetailId": 1, "ProductVarianceId": 1, "ProductDetail": { "$ref": "3" }, "SalesOrder": { "$ref": "10" } }, { "$ref": "13" } ] }, { "$ref": "10" } ] }, "ProductDetail": { "$ref": "3" } }, { "$ref": "6" } ], "MemberOrders": [ { "$ref": "8" }, { "$ref": "8" } ], "SubCategory": { "$ref": "1" }, "TaxDetail": { "$id": "14", "TaxDetailsId": 1, "Description": "sample string 2", "Percentage": 1.0, "IsActive": 1, "Picture": "sample string 3", "InsertedBy": 1, "InsertedDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "UpdatedBy": 1, "UpdatedDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "CompanyDetailId": 1, "ProductDetails": [ { "$ref": "3" }, { "$ref": "3" } ] }, "ProductFeatures": [ { "$id": "15", "ProductFeaturesID": 1, "ProductId": 1, "Features": "sample string 2", "CompanyDetailId": 1, "ProductDetail": { "$ref": "3" } }, { "$ref": "15" } ], "ProductImages": [ { "$id": "16", "ProductImageId": 1, "ProductId": 1, "ImageURL": "sample string 2", "CompanyDetailId": 1, "ProductDetail": { "$ref": "3" } }, { "$ref": "16" } ], "ProductReviews": [ { "$ref": "9" }, { "$ref": "9" } ], "ProductStocks": [ { "$id": "17", "StockId": 1, "ProductId": 1, "StockCount": 1, "ShowToUser": "sample string 2", "ShowIfNoStock": "sample string 3", "CompanyDetailId": 1, "ProductVarianceId": 1, "ProductDetail": { "$ref": "3" } }, { "$ref": "17" } ], "ProductTecDetails": [ { "$id": "18", "ProductTecDetailsId": 1, "ProductId": 1, "Description": "sample string 2", "TechinalDetails": "sample string 3", "CompanyDetailId": 1, "ProductDetail": { "$ref": "3" } }, { "$ref": "18" } ], "SalesOrderItems": [ { "$ref": "13" }, { "$ref": "13" } ], "TodayDeals": [ { "$id": "19", "TodayDealId": 1, "ProductId": 1, "CompanyDetailId": 1, "Date": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "TodayDiscountAmount": 1.0, "ProductDetail": { "$ref": "3" } }, { "$ref": "19" } ], "ProductVariances": [ { "$id": "20", "ProductVarianceId": 1, "ProductId": 1, "VarianceType": "sample string 2", "VariancePrice": 1.0, "CompanyDetailId": 1, "sellingPrice": 1.0, "ImageUrl": "sample string 3", "InsertedBy": 1, "InsertedDate": "2024-12-12T17:50:25.4469312+00:00", "VarianceActive": 1, "ProductDetail": { "$ref": "3" } }, { "$ref": "20" } ] }, { "$ref": "3" } ] }, { "$ref": "1" } ]